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Watercolor travel Paint Set with Sable watercolor Brush size #3

Watercolor travel Paint Set with Sable watercolor Brush size #3

Regular price $26.50 CAD
Regular price $33.00 CAD Sale price $26.50 CAD
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Fine Watercolour Paint Set Plastic Box of 12 pcs  Tablets 30mm plus tube (Made in Italy)
plus 1 Artist Professional Sable watercolour brush size #3 (Made in Germany )

Paint Characteristics and use of the product
Compressed powder paint, fine quality with a high pigment content. Easily wettable watercolour, once dry forms a very even, soft coat. When diluted with a small amount of water the coverage is very dense and brilliant in colour. Increased dilution yields the effects typical of this technique. Allow each coat to dry completely before painting over it. Suited for special techniques on a wide range of surfaces, including: paper, card, cardboard, glass, ceramic and fabrics. For classic techniques, use suitable painting equipment on watercolour paper or card. Dilute one part colour with three parts water for use with an aerograph. The watercolour is a special compound which must be able to guarantee that the pigment applies evenly to the paper while binding securely to it. Fabrics painted with this product may not be washable. Treat stains as soon as possible with lukewarm water and soap. Wash thoroughly several times.

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